Leadership Insights

Inspiration and Practice Tips for High-Achieving Women Leaders

How to Prioritize Well-Being for Leadership Success

balance burnout energized harmony leadership success mistakes preventing burnout success & fulfillment well-being work-life balance work-life harmony May 22, 2024
two white thick candles, a round body brush, and a burning incense stick in a white flower shaped  incense stick holder on a small round wooden table. The picture is taken top-down in an angle. The background of the picture shows the flow daylight reflecting off a light colored wooden floor.

In today’s fast-paced world of corporate leadership, it's easy for women leaders to become ensnared in the never-ending cycle of demands, expectations, and responsibilities. For women leaders striving to navigate this intricate landscape, the challenge of balancing professional success with personal well-being can feel like a constant battle.

Chances are, if you’re anything like the women leaders we work with, you’re a driven and ambitious leader, committed to achieving excellence in your role and making a meaningful impact within your organization and beyond. Yet, amidst the constant juggling of responsibilities and expectations, your well-being often gets pushed to the wayside. You find yourself sacrificing self-care for the sake of productivity, and you may be feeling that the relentless pursuit of success begins to take its toll, leaving you feeling drained, stressed, and struggling to find a sense of fulfillment amidst the sea of responsibilities. Sound familiar?

It's a scenario all too familiar to many women leaders, myself included. After working 24/7 for years, I vividly recall a pivotal moment in my leadership journey—a moment that forever shifted my perspective and approach to prioritizing well-being for sustainable success.

In that moment, I made a decision that allowed me to discover a newfound sense of clarity, resilience, and effectiveness in my role. I gained control over my time and energy, and self-care became a strategic imperative for sustainable leadership excellence.

Now, I'm passionate about sharing this transformative insight with fellow women leaders who may be grappling with similar challenges. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of well-being for your leadership success. Together, we'll uncover actionable strategies to cultivate a thriving balance between professional excellence and personal fulfillment, empowering you to lead with confidence, ease, and purpose.

Read on if you want to tap into the transformative potential of empowered leadership grounded in well-being and success.

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Women Leaders Make When It Comes to Their Well-Being

The journey to achieving leadership success while maintaining personal well-being is fraught with challenges and common missteps. Understanding these pitfalls is crucial for avoiding them and creating a sustainable path forward. Here are the 5 biggest mistakes women leaders make when it comes to their well-being:

Mistake #1: Neglecting Self-Care

It starts with women leaders neglecting their self-care. Driven by a desire to excel and the fear of negative consequences, women leaders often don’t take time out of their busy days for themselves. They put everything and everyone else first, overriding their personal needs. This can manifest in a variety of ways, for example skipping meals, not taking breaks, or not getting enough sleep. Over time, these behaviors are leading to physical and mental exhaustion. Can you relate?

Mistake #2: Perfectionism

Add perfectionism and you’ll easily find yourself overcommitting and deep in the weeds, trying to do everything yourself instead of effectively delegating.

Mistake #3: Sacrificing Personal Time

In their pursuit of success, and in the effort to handle all their responsibilities, women leaders often sacrifice their personal time, giving up hobbies and activities that bring them joy.

Can you see the downward spiral? All these behaviors – and you may have felt that by just reading the above paragraphs! – significantly increase your stress level.

Mistake #4: Failing to Address Stress Adequately

This is where the next mistake strikes. Many women leaders fail to address stress adequately. They may be brushing it off as normal or as a minor inconvenience, not realizing that heightened stress levels are in fact a significant threat not only to their physical and mental well-being but also to their leadership success!

Mistake #5: Lack of a Robust Support System

Finally, many women leaders lack a robust support system that could help them make better choices in support of their well-being and leadership success. Women leaders are often good at building relationships with their teams, but when it comes to seeking support from higher-ups, they get quiet quickly. What’s holding them back is their fear of being perceived as incapable, and that fear is often deeply engrained and powerful.

Sadly, those who do reach out often ask the wrong questions, because they’ve never learned how to be strategic and leverage relationships effectively.

Women leaders therefore often don’t have the emotional and practical support needed to navigate leadership challenges effectively, which leaves them feeling isolated and exacerbates stress.

Why Well-Being is Important for Leadership Success

We all know that well-being is important for our health, life satisfaction, and happiness. Yet we fall far too easily into the trap of a misconception: that giving up on self-care can increase professional success.

Truth is, a lack of well-being has far-reaching consequences, both on a personal and a professional level, and it drastically impacts your leadership success.

When women leaders are physically, mentally, or emotionally drained, their leadership effectiveness suffers. Chronic stress and fatigue lead to poor decision-making, dampened creativity, decreased productivity, and inefficiency. It also limits innovative thinking and problem-solving capabilities, stifling creativity and the ability to bring fresh ideas to the table. Unfortunately, this does not go unnoticed, and often others can see it long before you can, which can badly impact your career growth and opportunities. Besides that, someone who is stressed and tired rarely has the energy and clarity needed to seize new opportunities effectively.

Neglecting your well-being also sets a bad example for your team and others surrounding you (including your family!). A leader who appears perpetually stressed can foster a negative work environment, leading to a loss of respect and credibility. This can increase conflicts within the team and contribute to a toxic workplace culture.

Picture a great role model. Does she have low energy or high energy? Is she out of balance or in balance? Is she constantly overworked, overwhelmed, and racing into burnout or is she setting healthy boundaries and taking care of her well-being?

Chances are you prefer the latter – yes?

What you need to do is prioritize your well-being! Now is your time to do it.

Incorporating well-being into your leadership approach not only benefits you personally but also strengthens your executive presence and emotional intelligence, making you a more effective and influential leader.

When well-being is a priority, your physical and mental health improves, reducing the risk of burnout and enhancing overall energy levels and vitality. This positive energy is contagious and helps create a dynamic and engaging environment. When you radiate energy and enthusiasm, it inspires and motivates your team, making you a more influential and charismatic leader.

Leaders who prioritize well-being are more resilient and better equipped to handle the pressures of their roles. They are better able to maintain composure during challenging times, projecting a sense of stability and reliability. This newfound strength translates into greater self-confidence and poise. You stand taller, speak more clearly, and exude a sense of calm and assurance that others can’t help but notice.

Prioritizing well-being helps you stay true to your values and maintain your integrity. When you lead authentically, others can see your genuine commitment to your role and your team. This authenticity strengthens your leadership impact, as people are more likely to follow leaders who are true to themselves and their principles.

Leaders who prioritize well-being tend to have more consistent performance. By avoiding the pitfalls of burnout and maintaining a steady level of productivity, you set a standard of reliability and excellence. Improved levels of clarity and focus allow you to think more strategically, make better decisions, and communicate more effectively. Others will perceive you as a leader who is in control and capable of steering the organization toward success.

Further, by prioritizing your well-being, you set a powerful example for your team. You demonstrate that it’s possible to achieve high levels of success without sacrificing personal health and happiness. This makes you a more inspiring and aspirational leader, enhancing your impact as a role model who embodies the values of balance and holistic success.

5 Key Steps Women Leaders Can Take to Prioritize Their Well-Being

Here are five steps you can start taking today to prioritize your well-being:

  1. Set Boundaries: Clearly define work and personal boundaries to avoid burnout. Communicate these boundaries to colleagues and family members to ensure they are respected. For example, designate specific hours for work and personal activities and stick to them.
  2. Schedule Self-Care: Regularly schedule time for self-care activities such as exercise, hobbies, and relaxation. Treat these appointments with the same importance as work meetings. For instance, block out time on your calendar for yoga classes, reading, or simply relaxing.
  3. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness and meditation practices into daily routines. Even a few minutes of mindfulness each day can reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Consider starting your day with a short meditation session or taking mindful breaks throughout the day to stay grounded.
  4. Sleep Hygiene: Prioritize good sleep hygiene to ensure restful and adequate sleep. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimize the sleep environment to improve the quality of your rest. Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining energy levels and cognitive function, which are essential for effective leadership.
  5. Build a Support System: Cultivate a robust support system both professionally and personally. This can include mentors, colleagues, friends, and family. Engaging in regular conversations with your support network can provide emotional support, practical advice, and fresh perspectives on challenges you may face. I invite you to check out The Inner Circle™, our exclusive community where women leaders connect and learn to thrive in their executive roles AND embrace fulfillment in their personal lives.

As you integrate these practices into your life, you'll find that your capacity for resilience, innovation, and effective leadership will grow, fostering a balanced approach that enhances your well-being and leadership success.

The decision to prioritize your well-being is a powerful one that can transform not only your leadership journey but also the lives of those you lead. By embracing well-being as a cornerstone of your leadership philosophy, you set the stage for a thriving, balanced, and impactful career.

Remember, prioritizing well-being is not just a personal benefit but a professional imperative that drives sustainable leadership success.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In essence, prioritizing your well-being is crucial to thriving as a leader. By recognizing the importance of self-care and taking practical steps to improve your well-being, you set the stage for sustained leadership success. Reflecting on my own journey, my pivotal decision to prioritize well-being revolutionized my leadership effectiveness.

If you’re looking to make this transformation, book a call with Pink Executives to explore how we can help you seamlessly incorporate well-being into your leadership approach for a more balanced and impactful career.  Click here to book your call!

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